Monday, January 7, 2008


Please Pray for the Sick
Lily Howard, Shirley Hickey, Michael Moloney, Rita Archer, Megan Smith, Rowland Hill, Ron Coleman, James Horsburgh, Geoff Worrell, Colette Mitchell, Jeremy Murphy, Aub Brazier, Michael Lankester, Steven Tanner, Myles Buckley, Sr M Fidelis OP, Mary McClenaghan, Denise Somerville, Betty Hutchins, John Owen, St Chris Giller OSU, Shaun Buckley, Lachlan Brennan, Stewart Butler, Lurl Butler, Len Mauer, Jenny Thomas, Harold Bourke, Von Mason, Phyllis Smith, Edward Isaac, Mac Hanna, Bruce McClenaghan, Maria Buckley, Robert Hanna, Theo Silvas, Ross Walker, Basil Lane, Bert Williams, Bishop Bill Murray (Wollongong), Maria Cavallaro, Donna Biddle

World Youth Day – Eucharistic Adoration
When you look upon the Sacred Host, you look upon Jesus, the Son of God. “Indeed, this is the will of My Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day.” (Jn 6:40)

Marriage Preparation
Couples planning to marry please note that preparation begins on Wednesday, 13 February 2007 at 7.30pm and will continue for 5 consecutive Wednesdays. For more information please phone the Parish Office on 6772 2218.

Parish Planned Giving
Are you new to the Parish? Have you considered joining the Parish Planned Giving Program? Pledging cards and reply-paid envelopes are available in the Cathedral foyer.

Diocesan WYD Celebrations - Bingara
Be part of Diocesan WYD Celebrations and come together under the Southern Cross at Bingara Showground on 28 January 2008. Entertainment by Felicity Urquhart, The Baileys and Robert McDougall. Fireworks provided by ‘Holy Smoke’.12.30pm: welcome the Cross, Icon & Message stick at Myall Creek for Memorial Service.3-6pm: Pilgrim Walk into Bingara from nearby.3-6pm: Join in the fun and be part of the Ecumenical Family Festival. Foodstalls provided by Gwydir Shire community.Bus to BingaraA 22 seater bus has been booked to attend the WYD celebrations in Bingara on 28th January. Msgr Wilkes will drive. The bus will depart at 9.45am and return by 11pm. Price: $30 each. BYO sandwich lunch. A clip board is in the Cathedral foyer for those wishing to sign up.

Who Wants to Go to WYD in Sydney?
There are still some places available. For the week in Sydney, including coach trip down and back, staying at Naamaroo Uniting Conference Centre, Chatswood, $850. Contact Claire Chapman: 0418 643 836 or Brochures in the Cathedral foyer.

New Apostolic Nuncio for Australia
The Holy See has announced that Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto is to be the Apostolic Nuncio to Australia. Previous appointments include Zambia and Malawi; Luxemburg; Cuba; Jerusalem, Palestine and Cyprus and the Secretariat of State, Vatican City. The Apostolic Nuncio serves as both the ambassador of the Holy See in the host nation and as representative of the Holy Father to the Church in that same nation. Archbishop Lazzarotto succeeds Archbishop Ambrose De Paoli who died in October.

Lenten Discussion Group
Lent is only 6 weeks away, beginning early next year, on 6 February. Would anyone like to be part of a Lenten discussion group? There will be a World Youth Day emphasis this time. Please contact the presbytery office.

Palms Australia
Palms is interested in meeting teachers, doctors, nurses and other professional, technical, and trades people willing to share their skills for 1-3 years in Asia, Africa or the Pacific. Persons interested should register their interest now. Ph: 9518 9551or